Channel of the Grail

Posts on novel Channel of the Grail: composition, questions, comments

Dachau-Munich, Germany, Thursday, October 06, 2011

That Dachau, site of one of the most notorious Nazi concentration camps, was the first item on my trip agenda shows, I hope, how intensely focused on my mission I was. After all, it was in autumn in Munich, and for most visitots that meant Oktoberfest with beer and oompah bands in abundance. After flying to the Bavarian capital on Tuesday night, during which I slept 2-3 hours at most, arriving early Wednesday morning, picking up a car at the airport, blearing my way through rush hour traffic, and locating the hotel more in the heart of an unfamiliar city, I made my usual painful attempt to fall in with the local time, no matter what.

Coming to you live from…

My favorite quote, one embossed on the coffee cup I use every day, is from Henry David Thoreau: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Today, I sit in my apartment, yes, in New York City (thus the Saturday Night Live line). In a couple of days, I take off on the second leg of my European research tour for The Perfect. I am living the life I have imagined.

Picking up where I left off on August 28, 2010

Picking up where I left off on August 28, 2010

A bit over a year ago I completed the first half of a research tour planned so as to follow the footsteps of the protagonist in my current novel in progress, The Perfect. That portion took me through the castles, fortifications, caves and Pyrenean mountain passes of the Languedoc region of France, the Catalan province in northern Spain, and along the Mediterrean coast to Provence, winding up in Avignon, for a brief time the site of the Holy See. I had plans to push northward; but on August 27 I recieved the news that my 95-year-old mother had passed away, so I took a train to Paris and flew home to be with the family for Mom’s memorial service.