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PURE VISION by Perri Birney: Da Vinci Code Knock-off or Pristine Vision?

Beyond all the literary slicing and dicing, I read PURE VISION: The Magdalene Revelation with relish. It kept me turning the pages, meaning it was either teaching me something new or repeating things I needed to hear again. Most tellingly, all the way through I sensed the book’s beating heart: the resolute vision of peace, framed and sustained by its heroine, the Magdalene, and her army of women, marching from the four corners of the earth to create the new Jerusalem.

The Visionary Fiction Alliance

I recently had the good fortune to come across the website of a group of like-minded writers who had formed the Visionary Fiction Alliance. Of course, I jumped in enthusiastically and joined. My effort to help make the “visionary” genre better known started ten years ago, after several grueling rounds with agents over an earlier version of my novel, The Anathemas (eventually published by Outskirts Press in 2010).

Paranormal Series #2: Is Past Life Recall Required for Psychological Wholeness?

Is it possible that Einstein’s dictum—We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them—applies to our view of the life span itself when it comes to those thorny challenges that will not yield to any logic, medicine, prayer or kindness? Should we be looking at the forest rather than the single tree?

The Anathemas Q-and-A: Why a Novel about Reincarnation?

A wannabe writer in my early 20’s, I never imagined that typing out a couple of one-page character sketches about this imperial pair would start a process, and not merely a writing project, that would span decades before completion. Their story was history and thus worthy of a self-defined scholar, but with a twist that defied the status quo enough to support my recently adopted unorthodoxy.